NGO fights early marriage in Chikwawa

The two-year project operated in two target districts of Chikwawa and Machinga, with the goal of ending early child forced marriages.

Malawi: Break Through Action Malawi's Project Officer Nancy Kamwaza claims that the organization's two-year End Forced Early Marriages project in Chikwawa District has aided in the abolition of child marriages.

Kamwaza stated in the Chikwawa District Council Chamber on September 1, 2022, that the project has reduced forced early child marriages in several communities throughout Chikwawa.

The two-year project operated in two target districts of Chikwawa and Machinga, with the goal of ending early child forced marriages.

"Through the use of various international interventions, the project has managed to end 190 early and forced child marriages across Chikwawa since it began," Kamwaza said.

The project used a variety of approaches to reach the target audience, including the Community Action Cycle, Youth Club Capacity Building, and Media Engagement, in which both mainstream and local media outlets in the shire valley, including Nyungwe Community Radio station, Gaka Fm, Chibvomezi Fm, and Nyanthepa Community Radio station, were involved in community sensitization through the airing of radio advertisements, slots, and radio programmes.