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Action for Sustainable Development has stepped up efforts to improve animal farming and the development of orchards among rural farmers in Mzimba district.

MALAWI: As one way of creating sustainable healthy communities, Action for Sustainable Development has stepped up efforts to improve animal farming and the development of orchards among rural farmers in Mzimba District.

Assistant Field Officer for Action for Sustainable Development, Emily Chiumia, said that the organization has currently belt pig kraals and supported banana suckers to rural schools orchards such as at St. Monica Primary School in Mzimba District as one way of empowering the communities in nutrition and economically.

“It is the wish of ASUD to help communities become self-sustaining economically and in their nutrition. We believe a stronger and healthy community can able work towards development hence the support is given to farmers to practice animal farming so that the manure realized should be applied to orchards for better yields,” said Chiumia.

Headmaster for St. Monica Primary School, John Ghambi, thanked ASUD for supporting the school with sustainable initiatives to improve the health of children and the community at large.

‘’At first, ASUD brought to us fruit trees to develop orchards, among them were banana suckers that were planted here at school premises for learners to have access to the fruits and for commercial purposes to supports needs for the school. This development has also increased enrolment of learners at the school,’’ said Ghambi. 

Project Coordinator for ASUD, Chimwemwe Chirambo, said that assessment, as done by ASUD, shows that farmers are responding well to the initiatives and the organization will champion developments in the area and is planning to extend the same to other communities.

‘’Supporting animal farming to rural farmers will help to use the manure earned in orchard farming. The development will help create a healthy community and self-sustaining economic base for parents and guardians,’’ said Chirambo.