In a bid to strengthen the management of Health Information Systems in hospitals of this country, Luke International, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, is promoting data management of health systems such as Anti-Retroviral Therapy among other health related programmes.

In order to effectively facilitate such HIS management, Luke International has trained health workers in 250 health facilities, and deployed health workers to districts of in the northern and central regions.

The training, called E-Master Card, is a model used to electronically enter data in computers so that it is stored safely to avoid losing it.

However, this E-Master Card training system of managing data has been facing some challenges in promoting total cost effectiveness.

These challenges faced by health workers using the model include relocation of ART clinics, transition process from old to new update required settings for the application and lack of experience by new medical staff handling the data among others.

Due to such obstacles being faced, Luke International has urged health workers using this E-master card application to be fully committed in the use of this application by avoiding irregularities and promote accuracy.

Among the health care workers who attended the E- Master Card refresher training held on Friday was Kondwani Chipeta from Edingeni Health Centre in Mzimba, who said that the new updates are timely as they will improve their work.

"We have been provided with new ways on how to update our work such as alternative ways of recovering lost data as well as tracking data that is not showing in the system," Chipeta said.

LIN Country Representative, Rebecca Mtegha, said the trained health workers have acquired skills and technical expertise in handling electronic data systems which also involves managing electronic medical records systems for health facilities.

“The health workers and data entry clerks that we have trained are serving in hospitals that we work with such as Nkhatabay District hospital in the north and Kasungu District hospital in the Central region among others. Therefore, through these health workers, we are promoting sustainable, integrated and innovative Health Information Systems in Malawi,” she said.

She said the health care workers are responsible in capturing and managing health information data in the districts they are working to make sure that health information is not tampered with or lost.

Meanwhile, Luke International is also facilitating refresher trainings to update health workers on new functionalities and on how they can improve data management work to ensure a vibrant information management in hospitals of the country.