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  • Nyungwe Community Radio Station bails out local community

Nyungwe Community Radio Station bails out local community

On Wednesday, June 29, 2022, a Chikwawa-based Nyungwe Community Radio Station donated various amenities to vulnerable groups of women, children, and orphans via the Bwalo la amayi women group.

Malawi: On Wednesday, June 29, 2022, a Chikwawa-based Nyungwe Community Radio Station donated various amenities to vulnerable groups of women, children, and orphans via the Bwalo la amayi women group.

Bwalo la amayi is a daily radio phone-in programme on Nyungwe FM where women from the Shire Valley Districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje call in to exchange greetings and share more lessons and tips on how to care for their families.

Speaking at the event, which took place at the Nyungwe Community Radio Station offices in Thabwa, the guest of honour, Mrs Mulilima, urged women to live exemplary lives in their respective communities, fully participate in the development of their communities, and avoid unknown controversies as this hinders development.

During the event, the Nyungwe Community Radio Station and the Bwalo la Amayi group distributed soap, school supplies, and food to orphans, widows, and people with various disabilities.

"The workers are few, but the harvest is plentiful," said Mrs. Amadi Alide, Vice Chairperson of Bwalo La Amayi.

She invited more women to join them.

"Bwalo la Amayi is giving them a platform to show what they can do, and she says that if more women come and join them in large numbers, they can do something tangible," Mrs.Alide said.

Chifundo Bwalamba, the presenter of Bwalo la Amayi, thanked Nyungwe Community Radio Station Management for their support of the Bwalo la Amayi Radio programme by making it so vibrant and a vehicle for women's transformation both socially and economically.