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  • Open Spaces Inc intensifies tree planting initiative in schools

Open Spaces Inc intensifies tree planting initiative in schools

Open Spaces Inc has embarked on an on-going initiative aimed at planting trees in primary and secondary schools in the country.

MALAWI: A Lilongwe-based environmental management organization known as Open Spaces Inc has embarked on an ongoing initiative aimed at planting trees in primary and secondary schools in the country.

Speaking on the sidelines of the tree planting exercise which was held at Shire Urban Primary School and Bedir Star International School in Lilongwe, Area 49 on Saturday, Open Spaces Inc Executive Director, Kettie Chisambi said that in Lilongwe the initiative is the support to the campaign which is being implemented by Lilongwe City Council (LCC).

“Our initiative of planting trees in Lilongwe schools is the support to Greening Lilongwe Campaign which is being chaired by the city council, we want to help in greening up the city and bring back the forest cover and curb the effects of deforestation,” Chisambi said.

She added that, apart from carrying out the initiative in Lilongwe schools, her organization is looking forward to conducting the initiative in schools located in other districts in the country.

“We have a dream to plant one million trees across Malawi this year and our vision is to create green schools that is why we want as much as possible to work with schools together with students.

“We dream that, from Chitipa to Nsanje every school should have a woodlot of about one hector consisting of fruit trees and native trees,” she said.

With the initiative in Lilongwe, Open Spaces Inc is working together with the Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi as one of its lead partners.

In her comment, Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi President, Eveline Sibindi Van Dam said that their club also focuses on environmental management hence they decided to work together with Open Spaces Inc in intensifying tree planting initiative in schools.

“As Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi we focus on environment amongst other focus areas, hence when we heard a call from Open Spaces Inc to plant trees in schools, we decided to join them,” Sibindi Van Dam said.

According to her, the Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi in partnership with Open Spaces Inc donated over 2000 trees at Shire Urban Primary School and some of the donated trees were given by the Ganatra and Lakhani families of Lilongwe through the Rotary Club of Lilongwe-Lingadzi.

She also said that currently together with other partners her rotary club has managed to plant about 27, 000 trees countrywide.

In his remarks, LCC Director of Parks and Environment, Allan Kwanjana hailed the efforts that Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are doing in response to Greening Lilongwe Campaign.

However, he appealed to the residents of Lilongwe city also to take part in the campaign seriously by planting trees in their homes.