Police nub two for drug peddling

Lilongwe Police have arrested Nigerian national Stanley Uchegblem and a Malawian Kasper Thewe, for being found in possession of five blisters of dangerous drugs suspected to be cocaine.

MALAWI: Following tip-offs in the last two days of the year 2021, Lilongwe Police have arrested Nigerian national Stanley Uchegblem and a Malawian Kasper Thewe, for being found in possession of five blisters of dangerous drugs suspected to be cocaine respectively at distinct scenes in Lilongwe.

Uchegblem has been arrested on 31st December of 2021 in Lilongwe's Area 49, Gulliver after a tip-off.

Lilongwe Police Publicist, Inspector Hastings Chigalu, said upon receiving a tip-off on the suspected drug dealing, a detective went undercover and posed as a potential buyer.

“The purported buyer made arrangements and agreed to meet the suspect behind Area 49 Filling Station for the deal. In no time the suspect, money-hungry, ready to make fast business, arrived on a motorcycle taxi, without knowing he was in for trouble. Uchegblem was immediately arrested when he voluntarily took from his pocket the illicit drug for money finally to exchange hands," said Chigalu.

The latest Nigerian illicit drug incident has happened barely two days after the Capital City detectives arrested a Malawian national, Kasper Thewe, 34, for a similar offence at Double Vision Casino in Area 4 on December, 29th 2021.

Upon realizing that law enforcers had surrounded him, Thewe became violent and attempted to escape but it was not a success and in response to his attempt the law enforcers engaged necessary force to neutralize him.

Chigalu said when the suspect realized the Police were after him he closed his NU 9481 Benz' window, locked doors, started the engine, and sped off.

"Using the books well, the detectives closed the only exit point from the place which forced him to be moving around at a terrific speed. Later, when the suspect aimed his vehicle at one officer intending to hit him, the law enforcers engaged necessary force to neutralize him. The able-detectives searched the vehicle and found the said dangerous drugs stashed in the car," said Chigalu.

Chigalu confirmed that meanwhile both suspects and Thewe's vehicle are in the hands of Lilongwe Police. The suspected cocaine will be sent to Pharmacy, Medicines, and Regulatory Authority (PMRA) for analysis.

The suspects, Kasper Thewe and Stanley Uchegblem, will appear in court soon to answer cases of being found in possession of dangerous drugs which contravenes Section 4 as read with Regulation 19 of the Dangerous Drugs Act.