PSLCE exams in progress in Salima

The Primary School Leaving Certificate Examinations (PSLCE) are currently underway in Salima district, with 6,000 candidates registered.

Malawi: The Primary School Leaving Certificate Examinations (PSLCE) are currently underway in Salima district, with 6,000 candidates registered.

Alfred Hauya, the district's Director of Education, Youth, and Sports urges all students to avoid any form of cheating as the exams progress.

According to Hauya, students should embrace the culture of honesty at all costs.

"We are very excited that our students have started their exams very well, but we are urging them to follow all of the exam instructions and not engage in any act of cheating," said Hauya.

In response to the situation, Senior Chief Kalonga advised students not to be threatened by the security officers who were present to protect their exams.

"I would recommend that these police officers distance themselves from the students because, in many remote areas, this is the main cause of fear that acts as a distraction to a candidate," Kalonga said.

He also wishes the students in Salima and throughout Malawi luck as they sit for their primary exams.

Djibril Chapama, a candidate from Msalura Primary School, stated that the exams are going well and that he will work hard to achieve better grades and achieve his goals.