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Have you forgotten that in July 2021, you disclosed that over 600,000 Malawians had lost jobs according to the findings of Employers Consultative Association of Malawi (Ecam) Mr. President


Mzuzu Youth Caucus and indeed all Malawian youths are shocked with the sentiments you made during the delivery of your State of Nation Address (SONA) in the August House on February 3, 2022 that your government has created 997,423 jobs in the 2021/2022 budget, a thing that has left capable young people in the country wonder with numerous unanswered questions for the sentiments made do not reflect what is on the ground that there are millions of job seekers hence our call for your Excellency’s explanation on the matter.

Your Excellency, we the youths in the country are saddened to hear from you that your government has so far created 997,423 jobs in the past two years out of 1 million in both public and private sector, this has prompted us to ask you for clarification because we do not understand how and when those job opportunities managed to pass by our nose for we spend sleepless nights searching for such. Mr. President, we have gone to every office you can think of in this country in search of employment but no avail, we have ventured into all sorts of businesses but our hash economic status and toxic taxes your government is charging on our small scale businesses, milk all the tiny revenues we collect causing our enterprises die a natural death. So, after hearing you speaking that you have amassed 900,000 jobs, we wonder how is it even possible because those whom you claim to have been employed (the youths), are tirelessly lingering around the soils of this country searching for the same fortune.

It is against this background that Mzuzu Youth Caucus requests you Your Excellency to amplify how these jobs were created? Where were they created? How many jobs have been created at a district and city level? Who are employed? And why are the competent young people (millions) still lingering around craving for jobs in the country? Why is it that the immigration department is registering numerous cases of Malawians mostly the youth migrating to the diaspora in search of greener pastures? Why are our hospitals understaffed? Why our schools are still struggling with low number of teachers as compared to those of leaners? Why do we still have stunted numbers of agriculture extension workers? What indicators are there to justify the figures you have perpetuated? What are the details of the jobs created? Have you forgotten that in July 2021, you disclosed that over 600,000 Malawians had lost jobs according to the findings of Employers Consultative Association of Malawi (Ecam) Mr. President, as young people, we have endless questions regarding this matter such that cannot digest all on this piece of paper.

Your Excellency, we are obligated to know the sectors of economy that created 997,423 because what you narrated in the SONA does not hold water and is baseless. We therefore give you seven days to give us a thorough explanation on the matter stated above, failure to do so, will fuel the wrath of struggling, and hardworking young people for it will be regarded as arrogance and an insult at its best. Thank you.


Gomezgani Nkhoma


*AfricaBrief verified the authenticity of the letter with Gomezgani Nkhoma.