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  • Revolutionary Pics and Agroz Bags Provide Safe and Secure Storage for Grains, Eliminating Need for Chemicals

Revolutionary Pics and Agroz Bags Provide Safe and Secure Storage for Grains, Eliminating Need for Chemicals

The Pics and Agroz bags have a plastic lining inside, so when pests and other insects enter the bag, they suffocate and die.

Malawi: In one of the villages of Chikwawa, farmers were struggling to keep their grains safe from pests and other insects that threatened to ruin their crops, writes Martha Chirwa.

But then, a solution came in the form of Pics and Agroz bags.

Rodgers Kanyimbiri, the agriculture supervisor in Chikwawa, was the first to discover the benefits of these bags.

He found that they kept grains safer than ordinary bags as they did not allow air in and out, preventing the quality and quantity of the grains from being affected.

This is because pests and insects thrive in an environment with air, and Pics and Agroz bags eliminate that environment.

The Pics and Agroz bags have a plastic lining inside, so when pests and other insects enter the bag, they suffocate and die.

This eliminates the need for farmers to spend extra money on chemicals to protect their grains.

One of the farmers, Maikolo Fidesi, who has been using Pics and Agroz bags for some time, is a firm believer in their effectiveness.

He encourages fellow farmers to use them as well, saying that they will save them a lot of money in the long run. He shared his thoughts on January 9, 2023, at a meeting in the village of Mauni.

Thanks to Pics and Agroz bags, farmers in Chikwawa no longer have to worry about losing their crops to pests and insects. They can now rest easy knowing that their grains are safe and secure.