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  • Senior Chief Nthalire remembered as dedicated Christian and respected community leader at emotional burial ceremony

Senior Chief Nthalire remembered as dedicated Christian and respected community leader at emotional burial ceremony

Minister of Local Government, Professor Blessings Chinsinga, described the late chief as a great leader who carried out his duties with love.

Malawi: “As a committed Christian who saw to the establishment of St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish and Boarding Secondary School, the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Karonga will remember Senior Chief Nthalire.”

These were the words spoken during the burial ceremony of the late Senior Chief Nthalire, who passed away due to kidney failure earlier in the week. The ceremony took place at Nthalire Stadium, writes Patricia Kayuni.

Monsignor Lorent Dziko, of the Diocese of Karonga, passed along condolences to the royal family and the citizens of Nthalire, saying that Bishop Martin Mtumbuka and the church were deeply saddened by the chief's passing.

Minister of Local Government, Professor Blessings Chinsinga, described the late chief as a great leader who carried out his duties with love.

He urged the people of Nthalire to exercise love and patience as they mourned their fallen leader, and advised the royal family to unite and avoid chieftaincy disputes.

A representative of the royal family, GVH Mnthyengu, assured the government of peace and order among the royals.

Senior Chief Nthalire, born in 1965 as Ackim Yotamu Kaonga, ascended to the throne in 2018 as Traditional Authority and was later elevated to Senior Chief in 2020.

He passed away, leaving behind a wife, six children, and four grandchildren.

He was laid to rest at Kajaliro, the chief's headquarters.