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Did Someone Say Malawi is a Criminal Enterprise? Yes, It Is!

Apparently, K50 million was used on an exercise to decide where to put isolation centers.

Did Someone Say Malawi is a Criminal Enterprise? Yes, It Is!

Below are fresh pictures of a Covid-19 testing centre at Bwaila Hospital in Malawi's capital Lilongwe.

All this coming hot on the heels of stiff resistance by DODMA to account for K6.2 billion it received from the Tonse Government.

Yes, all this as DODMA is yet to provide Idriss Ali Nassah with the following:

• Breakdown of K60 million used on planning meeting(s);

• Breakdown of K535 million for facilitating the return of Malawians from South Africa;

• Media houses paid K185 million for public awareness programs;

• Breakdown of K580 million used on border patrols by the police, army and immigration;

• Names and contact details of "victims of gender based violence during COVID-19", who received K72 million in cash transfers;

• Names, dates and details of schools disinfected at cost of K100 million;

• Breakdown of K50 million used on visits to enforce COVID-19 regulations in workplaces;

• Breakdown of K50 million used on the exercise to decide where to put isolation centers.

Lord have mercy!