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  • Teveta urges journalists to promote SAVE Project

Teveta urges journalists to promote SAVE Project

TEVETA has appealed to journalists to help promote its recently-launched Skills for a Vibrant Economy Project by sharing success, impact stories with their audiences(By Tionge Hara)

Malawi: The Technical Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TEVETA) has appealed to journalists to help promote its recently-launched Skills for a Vibrant Economy (SAVE) Project by mainstreaming success and impact stories to readers and listeners.

During a meeting with journalists from the Northern region organised by the Nyika Media Club, TEVETA Executive Director Elwin Sichiola stated that the SAVE project will target vulnerable groups and girls, highlighting the need for more information to be made available to potential beneficiaries.

According to TEVETA Executive Director Elwin Sichiola, the SAVE project also provides an Inclusive Bursary Scheme to vulnerable groups and girls to encourage enrollment, with the goal of doubling the number of women enrolled in technical institutions.

With its expected benefits, Sichiola believes the media can play a critical role in ensuring that all targeted groups are aware of this project.

Nyika Media Club chairperson Joseph Mwale, for his part, praised TEVETA for recognising the importance of the media and emphasised that because the club has members from all six northern districts, the messages will reach all corners of the region.

The Malawian government, through TEVETA, is implementing the Skills for a Vibrant Economy (SAVE) Project with World Bank support at an estimated cost of US$100 million through International Development Association (IDA) financing, with the project expected to run for five years from 2021 to 2026.