Two men kill each other over woman

Despite her efforts to call for help, the two men continued to fight with the weapons they were carrying until they severely injured each other to death (By Tionge Hara)

Malawi: Two men in Chintheche, Nkhata Bay District, the northern part of Malawi, killed each other while fighting for a woman in Zomelanga Village.

The deceased have been identified as Christopher Makawa, 32, of Mangombo Village in Traditional Authority Mkanda in Mulanje District, and Justin Tambala, 49, of Zomelanga Village in Traditional Authority Fukamapiri in NKhata Bay District, according to Nkhata Bay police spokesperson Seargent Kondwani James.

Tambala was married to Marriam Mwanyali for several years, according to reports.

Three years ago, Makawa proposed to the woman to be his better half, but she declined.

However, on the material date of October 24, 2022, the woman who went out for other errands found the two men fighting on her way back home.

Despite her efforts to call for help, the two men continued to fight with the weapons they were carrying until they severely injured each other.

After receiving the report, officers from the Chintheche Police Post rushed to the scene and transported the two victims to the Chintheche Rural Hospital, where they were pronounced dead.

The deaths were caused by excessive blood loss.

At this time, no foul play is suspected, according to the police.