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  • Two people arrested for being in possession of pangolins

Two people arrested for being in possession of pangolins

The two suspects were apprehended after police received a tip on May 12, 2022 that they were offering to sell a live pangolin concealed in an empty sack and placed in a backpack.

MALAWI: Two men have been arrested in Mchinji, central Malawi, for allegedly possessing a live pangolin.

Police have identified the two as Mavuto Jophris, 33, and Mandera Masauso, 34.

The two suspects were apprehended after police received a tip on May 12, 2022 that they were offering to sell a live pangolin concealed in an empty sack and placed in a backpack.

Police officers and Wildlife and Environmental Crime Investigators apprehended and arrested the suspects at Bua Trading Centre, resulting in the rescue of a live pangolin.

According to the police, when the investigations are completed, the suspects will appear in court to answer the case of being found in possession of listed species in violation of Section 86 (1) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act read with Section 110B (b) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act.

Mandera Masautso is from Mzuma Village, Traditional Authority Mavwere in Mchinji District, while Mavuto Jophris is from Jophris Village, Traditional Authority Malemia in Nsanje District.