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Politicians are creating super spreader events, sacrificing human lives at the expense of political capital, without any remorse!

The photos coming out of the By Elections Campaign Trail, whether in Karonga, Ntchisi, Lilongwe, Chikwawa or Nsanje districts, demonstrate very heavy leadership contradictions in this age of Covid19.

The clarion call in the Covid-19 prevention civic education messages is emphatic on the avoidance of crowded places, self isolation, washing of hands and wearing of masks.

Yet, political leadership of all political party persuasions, none is exceptional, are going against the very core of Covid19 prevention messages.

They are mobilising large crowds to public venues that lack sanitary and water facilities, with total disregard to social distancing and the wearing of masks.

You can't speak of washing hands.

The loud singing, laughing, dancing, shaking of hands and hugging, make the situation even more concerning.

In certain cases even the messaging is detrimental to the fight against Covid-19.

They are creating super spreader events, sacrificing human lives at the expense of political capital, without any remorse.

Isn't it not surprising that sports lovers think and feel sports has been unfairly treated!?

Not only is this insensitive, it is also irresponsible, selfish and a total lack of leadership integrity and responsibility.

Political leadership cannot pick and choose, like in berry harvest.

They cannot choose situations where Covid19 prevention measures apply or do not apply, depending on the political dividends derived thereof.

Leadership integrity demands consistency of behaviour and action for everyone under all circumstances.

Exception from Covid-19 prevention measures cannot be a leadership privilege.

Malawian political leaders must learn to walk the talk.

Mere talk is cheap. The change Malawians are still fighting for is for truth, honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability.

Both your ends and your means of attaining political position, power and authority must be right.

Don't justify lack of integrity as part and parcel of "ndale" politics.

Wrong is wrong, in politics or out of politics.

This is a clarion call to Malawian politicians to provide leadership that is consistent in this fight against Covid-19.