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If you cannot secure Capital Hill, what else will the government secure?

The news about a second break-in at the Office of the Vice President on Capital Hill within a few weeks of each other calls for a security review by those responsible for security and administration of this all-important government seat.

Capital Hill by its nature is a national strategic installation. As such it must be a very secure place.

The people who work there must possess such security sensitivity as expected of people that work at a strategic installation.

Right from the Main gate of Capital Hill you are confronted by a team of Police officers who, if you are a good citizen, do not inspire confidence in you, and obviously then, if you are a criminal, do not scare you at all.

They leave you wondering if they know what they are there for.

The solar security lights that were installed a few years ago, courtesy of a Chinese donation were long pulled down and batteries dug up.

When you get to Ministry Buildings, it is only one or two that have some security to write home about.

You are amazed at the number of vendors for items ranging from food to clothes that linger in corridors or sell their wares through windows.

The theft of phones and laptops is a common occurrence in offices.

It is time electronic access and control systems were installed in all Capital Hill buildings.

Such a system would only allow entry to authorized persons whose details would have been registered and the person whose office they are visiting having signed for them.

Together with this the installation of a video monitoring system of offices, internal and external corridors, and surroundings with 365/24/7 operation. This system would be sensitive to all movements within and outside offices.

Priority for this system must be given to the Offices of the President and Cabinet and that of the Vice President.

All grass around Buildings and within Capital Hill must always be cut short.

A rethink of what needs to be done with the incomplete dispensary structure, that can easily be used by criminals must be carried out.

Incidentally, this structure is very close to the Office of the Vice President. It must either be completed or demolish.

Capital Hill is the seat of government, its security must be enhanced as a matter of urgency.

If you cannot secure Capital Hill, what else will the government secure?