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  • Uncle Harvest takes a hard, cold look at the civil service comprehensive review taskforce

Uncle Harvest takes a hard, cold look at the civil service comprehensive review taskforce

Their only caution is to avoid the obstacle of " paralysis of analysis".

The composition of the commission chosen to work with the Vice President is made up of some of the best minds Malawi has.

Products of the University of Malawi.

There is no doubt that they will come out with the best outcome anybody would think of.

Their only caution is to avoid the obstacle of " paralysis of analysis".

The weakest link, though is that there is no career civil servant among them, ie somebody who has worked in the civil service throughout their professional life and rose, let us say to Principal Secretary level.

Somebody who retired in the past 3 to 5 years.

Such a person who provide insider perspective to the challenges faced.

This was the same weak link the 2014 Public Sector Reform Commission had.

Someone said, " Tell them, they won't. Ask them, they might. Involve them, they will."

They must be a way of buy in if any reforms shall be accepted and implemented by Public Servants.

If left with a feeling they are being invaded, be assured they will use apathy to kill the reform intiatives before they commence.