This war on corruption calls for strategists, tacticians and operatives that are highly disciplined, patriotic, ever focused on the ultimate goal and unrelenting.

Malawi's President Lazarus Chakwera has declared a war on corruption. Like any other war, war is brutal.

It is comprised several battles, both victories and losses will be experienced. It comes with victors and victims, heros and villains.

It is hoped that everybody understands this is war. It is not regular warfare, nor is it guerrilla warfare where enemy soldiers and fighters are easily identifiable.

They are subtle and canning.

A browse through both print and social media brings out voices of those fighting corruption and those who abhor it.

The voices of the corrupt are distinctly silent.

Don't they have anything to say? Well, it is never in their strategy to be vocal.

Their intentions are kept to their chest as they hide in safe zones.

They major in disguise at times even joining the enemy, either offering visible support or using smear campaigns against the enemy. Everything is meant to destruct or destroy.

If taken by surprise and danger looms they can strike a heavy blow or eliminate where possible.

This is a brutal war.

The war against corruption is not for the faint hearted.

Everyone involved; law enforcement, prosecution, courts must comprise of people with a tough skin, people of high integrity and with resolve to the point of death.

Since this is war, it will take time. In modern history the shortest war was the 6 day Israeli Arab war.

Short war are not everyday occurrences.

Malawians will need to have patience and be less disruptive of those fighting the war.

Instant results are a pipe dream.

This war on corruption calls for strategists, tacticians and operatives that are highly disciplined, patriotic, ever focused on the ultimate goal and unrelenting.

Corrupt systems were put in place over many years and like a cancer have permeated every part of the public and private sector.

When a country's army is at war, it helps to have a citizenry that is patriotic and fully supports the fighters so as to boost the morale of the fighters.

Will the Malawian citizenry stand in full support of this fight?