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  • Uncle Harvest writes on VIOLENCE IN POLITICAL CIRCLES


The sour grapes you sow will one day bear fruit and these young people will force you to eat them just like they forced your opposition to eat them.

All the voices that are condemning the violence perpetrated on the four DPP political leaders are very right.

These are acts that any normal thinking Malawian must without reservation be utterly condemned.

Right as way back as 1992, through the Referendum in 1993 and ultimately through the first multiparty elections after independence in 1994, to present, Malawians have aspired for democracy that is human rights focused Malawians reject such impunity and hope for swift police action irrespective of the fact that the victims are opposition political leaders.

The perpetrators have broken the law of the Republic.

What is silent or has not been said loud enough however is that those overzealous cadets are themselves also victims of the violence they were perpetrating.

Victims because their patrons, mentors and trainers in the field of political violence were political leaders, some of who were victims on this particular day, eating sour grapes that they sowed and natured, over the years, as it were.

“The chickens have come home to roast”, as it were.

It is a principle of life," You reap what you sow."

This must be a lesson to all political leaders who encourage and promote, or give a blind eye to political violence perpetrated by their youth on their political competitors in the name of politics.

The sour grapes you sow will one day bear fruit and these young people will force you to eat them just like they forced your opposition to eat them.

As you read social media you get disgusted with the violent language the youth use towards each other, in what they call media teams.

Silent is the voice of political leaders in condemning this vice.

Sour seeds are being planted.

The intolerance, hatred that is being generated with produced unprecedented violence in future if political leaders don't up this in the bud.