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  • Veteran journalist urges Shire Valley journalists to embrace team spirit

Veteran journalist urges Shire Valley journalists to embrace team spirit

In an interview with AfricaBrief, Steve Bombeya, one of the country’s veteran journalists, urged Shire Valley journalists to work with love and unity in order to achieve greatness.

Malawi: Shire Valley Transformation Programme, Shire Valley Media, and Shire Valley Online Volunteers and Contributors, including many renowned journalists from the Shire Valley twin districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje, collaborated to organise a one-day conference on October 28, 2022, at Chamber's Hall in Chikwawa to interact and share different experiences.

In an interview with AfricaBrief, Steve Bombeya, one of the country’s veteran journalists, urged Shire Valley journalists to work with love and unity in order to achieve greatness.

He stated that differences in media houses, media platforms, and target audiences should not be allowed to divide journalists, but rather that they should embrace team spirit because they work in the same catchment area.

The SVTP Public Relations Officer, Alice Chinthochi, thanked the Shire Valley journalists for the great job they are doing, especially when it comes to information dissemination, saying that the SVTP recommends publicity and that they wish to continue working with journalists throughout their project in the Shire Valley so that people in Malawi and elsewhere can follow every step of the Programme.

In his remarks, Steve Chirombo, Chairperson of the Conference Organizing Committee, thanked journalists from Shire Valley Media Houses who participated in the conference and made themselves present the entire day despite their busy schedules, describing this as a sign of unity among them.

Journalists from mainstream media houses such as Zodiak in Chikwawa and Nsanje, online platforms such as AfricaBrief and Shire Valley Online, and community radio reporters from the Shire Valley Districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje such as Chivomelezi FM, Nyungwe FM, Gaka FM, and Nyanthepa Community radio station attended the conference.

The Shire Valley Transformation Programme, Department of Communication, hosted the Conference.

There were several keynote presentations at the conference. Steve Chirombo, Chairperson of the Conference Organizing Committee, seconded by Alice Chinthochi, Shire Valley Transformation Programme Public Relations Officer, regular paper presentations and round table discussions

The conference addressed all of these developments in the journalistic environment, particularly in the Shire Valley.