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  • Wild Hippopotamus Attacks Two People in Nsanje

Wild Hippopotamus Attacks Two People in Nsanje

Wild hippopotamus attack at Chimvuli dock in Nsanje's Senior Chief Mbenje area, leaves two injured, bringing the district's total to six, Cornelius Lupenga.

Malawi - Two people in the area of Senior Chief Mbenje in Nsanje have been attacked by a wild hippopotamus at Chimvuli dock this morning, bringing the total to six in the district, writes Cornelius Lupenga.

Senior Group Village Headman Ntchenyera confirmed the incident and identified the victims as a certain Mr Jonas and his son.

He said the man, who was fishing, was with his son, who was pedalling the dug-in canoe when they were attacked.

"With the rising water levels due to flooding caused by Tropical Cyclone Freddy, this kind of incident was bound to happen," said the SVGH.

Mwabvi Wildlife Reserve Manager, Brave Madise, said he had just received the information and was mobilizing a hunter to go to the area to find out more.

He promised to provide more details once he received a report.

The rising water levels in the district have led to several incidents of wild hippopotamus attacks in recent weeks.

The incident highlights the danger that the people of Nsanje face as they try to cope with the aftermath of the cyclone and the flooding it has caused.