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  • Zimbabwe's new parliament building nears completion: Action man Mnangagwa delivers

Zimbabwe's new parliament building nears completion: Action man Mnangagwa delivers

The project took off immediately after President Emmerson Mnangagwa rose to power.

Structural works on the six-storey Parliament Building in Mount Hampden, Zimbabwe is now 100% complete;

Remaining now is the internal and external endeavours to enhance the beauty of the structure and make it usable.

Other works to do with electricity, water supplies, air conditioning and all which makes habitation comfortable, are what contractors are working on now.

The project took off immediately after President Emmerson Mnangagwa rose to power.

He promised to stablise the economy, rebuild Zimbabwe brick by brick, stone by stone and also promised to make Zimbabwe a middle-income economy by 2030.

Within three years into office, ED, as the President is affectionately known by his admirers, has managed to bring down inflation from three digits to around 50 percent. He has not stopped there but to also rebalance the fiscal books.

This enabled Zimbabwe to have budget surplus for the first time in 30 years.

The President's sound agricultural policies, such as the command agriculture, have enabled the country to register a bumper harvest for the first time since independence.

President Mnangagwa also intervened by declaring all roads as state of disaster to enable central government to fund millions of dollars to be used for rehabilitation and maintenance of all roads in the major cities and also in rural area.

On the fight against the nocturnal Covid-19, Zimbabwe is now the only country in Sadc using locally generated funds to pruchase Covid-19 vaccines while other countries are looking up to donors for aid.

The countless projects currently under-way across the country, are helping in creating tens of thousands of jobs among locals.

Recently, President Mnangagwa commissioned multi-million dollar Acetylene Gas & Medical Oxygen Plant in Mutare.

The plant is the first of its kind in Zimbabwe and will see the country exporting gas and medical oxygen to the entire African region.

President Mnangagwa also intends to make Harare a hub for refined oil as Zimbabwe is expected to embark on constructing an oil pipeline project from Beira to Harare.

Zimbabwe government, under the inspiring leadership of ED, is also constructing 220 000 houses and flats to address the high demand of accommodation in both the urban and rural areas.

What is more inspiring is fact that President Mnangagwa has made all these strides despite his country being on satanic sanctions from the west for over 20 years now.

Unperturbed by the obnoxious sanctions, President Mnangagwa has adopted a "look-forward-talk-less-and-more-action" policy which is now bearing fruits and has left his strong critics dumbfounded and gnashing teeth.

Zimbabwe is expected to hold polls in 2023 and President Mnangagwa is set to carry the day with nearly five million votes.